Curry Recipes Online
Curry Chat => Lets Talk Curry => Topic started by: CashNCurry on January 21, 2006, 07:25 PM
One of the main reasons I cook curries myself is that I have a nut allergy. I can't eat Almonds and Peanuts as they make me very ill. When I started to eat Indian meals I asked many questions and stayed clear of Passanda, Tikka Massala and some Korma's. I know that peanuts really are only used in Thai / Malay crusine. My favorite meals like Madras, Rogans etc certainly don't have nuts.
Over the years I got very friendly with the local take-away and they cook me exactly what I want. However, I dont bother much now as I cook it myself.
I don't think nuts make that much difference anyway? But I don't know! Just wondering if anyone else has a similar problem here?