Curry Recipes Online
Beginners Guide => Just Joined? Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: CashNCurry on January 20, 2006, 11:22 PM
Hi Guys,
Sorry I've been around here for sometime by lurking. I thought it was about time I registered as I would like to provide input. It seems that I know most of you already, such as Pete, Curryking, Darth and MarkJ - Sorry for people I've missed.
I've been cooking curries for sometime, but mainly Thai & Malaysian varities. Kind of branched out to Indian BIR style over the last year.
The amount of work some of you guys have done is amazing! I hope to contribute myself in the coming weeks.
Cheers Guys,
Welcome....the more the merrier .
Hi mate, welcome aboard ;D
Hi CashNCurry.
Thanks for the replies................