Curry Recipes Online

Curry Photos & Videos => Curry Videos => Topic started by: loveitspicy on December 05, 2011, 10:23 PM

Title: Grinding spice
Post by: loveitspicy on December 05, 2011, 10:23 PM
What is everyone (who grinds their own) using to grind fresh spices? We have been using a pestal and mortar out here - a stone one and a wooden one - its a pain to be honest - however where i am there appears only to be grinding type appliances but they have a blade in - will they be good enough to reduce to powder?

best, Rich
Title: Re: Grinding spice
Post by: curryhell on December 06, 2011, 09:37 AM
What is everyone (who grinds their own) using to grind fresh spices? We have been using a pestal and mortar out here - a stone one and a wooden one - its a pain to be honest - however where i am there appears only to be grinding type appliances but they have a blade in - will they be good enough to reduce to powder?

best, Rich

Here you go Rich.  Read this thread as it may point you in the right direction ;D (