Curry Recipes Online
Curry Chat => Lets Talk Curry => Topic started by: raygraham on December 20, 2005, 07:39 PM
Hi All,
Seeing as I work for the ambulance service and am working all over Christmas ( all say Aaaaahhhh!!! ) and don't have a chance of the traditional Turkey dinner ( Boooo!! )? I have decided to cook all my colleagues a nice Curry instead ( all say Yessssss!!! ).
So here's the dinner menu for all 20 workers who are gonna be grafting at Keighley Ambulance Station while you lot are getting full of Xmas pud and Xmas cheer.
Popadoms and Pickles ( Rajah )
Onion Bhaji's ( Mridula Balkejar )
Meat Samosa's ( Co-op ) they are? not bad actually!
Chicken Tikka Masala ( Balti Kitchen ) simple and very tasty
Chicken Madras ( Darth Phall ) can't go wrong with this one
Dabari Rice ( Darth Phall ) as George say's, the best rice ever
Paratha's ( Payal ) takes me back to my teenage years
Naan Bread ( Maddhur Jaffrey? )
Coffee ( Nescafe )
Mints ( After Eight )
Afternoon Nap ( Slumberdown )
I think we are going to be in heaven on Christmas Day, don't you!!!
So what are you all having???
Have a good one!
Ray G
Ill have a chicken tikka balti madras please Ray, thanks very much!
Can you freeze it and send by motorcycle courier please ;D
Im having regular xmas turkey but I will probably curry the left overs 8)
Hi all,
If anyone hasn't tried making a Turkey curry with the Christmas day left-overs try it this year you will not be dissapointed.
Great stuff!!
Mark, The Chicken Tikka Balti Madras is on the bike and with the courier as we speak...........enjoy!
Thanks for that Blondie, turkey in any sort of curry would be just fine on Boxing Day, what else could you do with it?
The family have actually booked for a curry at a local BIR on boxing day so this year for me it's curry, curry, curry all the way!!!
Sheer bliss!!!
I'm going to have Turkey on Christmas day & ....loads of Curries over my Christmas holidays yipeeeeeeeeeeee hogs Heaven !!
Dunno bout Xmas day curry I'm still gonna be stuffed from Xmas eve.As ever We've ordered a special 'Kurzi chicken' dish for 4 people.Basically a massive giant chicken marinated in the usual top secret ingredients for 48 hours then blasted in the tandoor and served at the table whole.Plus the usual side dishes and a few bottles of cobra...I'll still have my eyes on the kitchen though to see what's going on..........
Ray, that meal sounds fantastic but I suggest after twenty peeps chow down on all that you post signs in the ambulances saying "No naked flames" or there'll be another fire they can see from space!
Us, we're doing the regular X-Mas Turkey deal but Boxing Day is Turkey Leftovers ala Curry Sauce, probably a Korma.
As Turkey is generally a bloody dry old bit of meat I'm finkin' something with a lot of sauce should be best!
And if there's any spuds left ... I'll slap em in a pot with turmeric, cumin, coriander and a bit of onions .....
Yum Diddly Um!!!
Xmas eve we always go to my local and take the nipper (she's 3 now), turkey for xmas (local organic job, mmmmm) and then plenty more curries over xmas ;D ;D
Ray, that meal sounds fantastic but I suggest after twenty peeps chow down on all that you post signs in the ambulances saying "No naked flames" or there'll be another fire they can see from space!
Hi Dee Dee,
It's gonna be Paaarp, Paaarp, Toot, Toot and a lot more, so if you are in West Yorkshire over Christmas and need an Ambulance you will have to forgive the pong when the crew turn up. Just blame me for the inconvienience!! Whoops, truumpppp! pardon me, that was the Balti Chicken speaking!!
Sorry folks!!
;D ;D
If anybody has any recipee for a 'left-over turkey' curry I would be very thankful if you could post it. I have seen a recipee for pakoras which suggest using turkey left-overs as an option........I can post that if need but I have already seen a recipee for pakoras on this site somewhere. Thanks.
So here's the dinner menu for all 20 workers who are gonna be grafting at Keighley Ambulance Station while you lot are getting full of Xmas pud and Xmas cheer.
How did it go? I was thinking of you and your curries as we sat down for a more traditional and (I must say) less interesting lunch on Chritstmas Day. You must have put in a lot of effort to make that lot. I hope all the dishes came out well and it was very well received. I'm sorry if you have already posted feedback on another thread, which I might have missed.
So here's the dinner menu for all 20 workers who are gonna be grafting at Keighley Ambulance Station while you lot are getting full of Xmas pud and Xmas cheer.
How did it go? I was thinking of you and your curries as we sat down for a more traditional and (I must say) less interesting lunch on Chritstmas Day
Hi George and everyone,
Hope you all had a really nice Christmas with your feet up and a few mulled wines and are all getting ready for the New Year.
Sorry to have been a bit slow repiying but things have been a bit hectic.
I delivered a baby girl Xmas Day morning, that was just ace ( but a bit messy!) , what could be more satisfying ?? Took some pictures for the proud Mum and Dad.
The Christmas Day Curry Extravaganza at work went really well if I do say so myself.
As I was making for about 20 with some extra left over I bought 4 kilo's of Chicken breast which I got from a large Asian supermarket in Bradford at ?2.20 p a Kilo which I thought was a pretty good price ( Payal please note!!).
For convenience I decided to pre-make parts of the two Chicken dishes so made a double batch of base sauce and used the Balti Kitchen recipe as it was simple and makes a very good CTM.
I used half of the chicken and pre-cooked this using the Balti Kitchen method and the other half went into a Tikka Marinade ( also Balti Kitchen ) for a full 36 hours.
I have never marinated chicken for so long but it really paid off with very tasty and tender meat once it was cooked.
The oven cooking of this on skewers on it?s hottest setting produces such moist tender meat and received so many good comments I shall certainly do that again.
I then made some pre-cooked potato for a Bombay Potato side dish which if I am honest was made on the day very simply with some base sauce and half a jar of? Patak?s Madras paste ( well you?ve gotta cheat sometimes!!) .
This meant that on the day I only needed to add a very few things to a quantity of base sauce along with either the pre-cooked Chicken or Tikka and it was ready in no time at all.
As the crews were eating throughout the day I could not leave it all out so I decanted it into portion sized bowls that could be blasted in a microwave when they wanted it.
Darth's Dabari rice was a doddle to make and I pre-made this and split it into 20 bowls as well ( you are now famous in West Yorkshire mate!!).
Poppadoms were easy to fry the day before and stayed crisp so with the addition of Mango Chutney, Lime Pickle and a Raita were a simple starter to leave out whenever folk wanted to have a nibble during the day.
I cheated and pre-bought Samosa?s and Onion Bhaji?s which were warmed as needed.
We were all very busy on Christmas day but everyone managed to sit down for a while and have a full meal. Comments were really nice and I felt proud of the effort I had made for the day. At least 20 people got a reward for working their Christmas and I felt it worthwhile making the effort.
If I am honest and critical I would say the Chicken Tikka Masala was absolutely ace, just what I would expect at a BIR. The Chicken Madras was very nice but lacked that ?taste? which disappointed me a bit as I wanted? to give everyone more but accept the Balti Kitchen recipe is not the best for this but for a large catering exercise ( where I needed a simple to make curry ), is a very acceptable method of producing a ?user friendly curry?.
The Bombay Potato was completely devoured so I assume was liked by most and a little party trick and cheat I will keep up my sleeve for the future.
Darths rice attracted lots of ?this is lovely? comments so will stay on my ?best of? books.
I didn?t have much curry to myself that day. It is one of those things that the chef doesn?t get time to eat his own food but what I made was enjoyed by all and a lot of requests for the recipes.
For me this was praise enough but from a critical point of view I could have done better and do think the Balti Kitchen method has it?s limitations but for the average curry lover they think they are getting a genuine restaurant offering!!
All in all a good effort but I have noted improvements and changes I will make for a re-run the next time round.
Happy New Year Everyone,
Thanks Ray, its nice to know the Darkside is being recognized for its true Curry making merit? ;D.
Did you use my Madras recipe ??
Which recipe did you use for the Bombay Potato as i would like to try it,can you post a link please.
Try this very tasty experiment i cooked yesterday,definitely a Curry everyone can eat & i guarantee will love.
Thank you Ray for your continued support.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?........................"Greetings for the new year mate".................
Your friendly neighborhood Dark lord.....DARTHPHALL..... ;)
Did you use my Madras recipe ??
Which recipe did you use for the Bombay Potato as i would like to try it,can you post a link please.
Hi Darth,
I didn't actually use a specific recipe for the Bombay Potato but rather cheated using a Pataks Madras paste for the spicing. This is what I did.
Don't forget this is for about 20 side dish portions.
I pre-cooked a load of diced potato ( about 3 lb ) in water with a teaspoon of Turmeric and a little salt added.
I then fried in some veg oil two finely chopped Onions until golden.
At this point I added a tablespoon of Ginger/Garlic puree and fried a further minute.
Then I added 1/3rd of a jar of the pataks paste and cooked for a further minute.
I then added about 3 ladles of base sauce which was that made from the Balti Kitchen recipe.
To this was added about 6 quartered Tomatoes and cooked for about 6-7 minutes.
The potato went in last and was cooked for just a few minutes more to ensure it was heated through than cook it.
And that was it. It is a fairly dry dish but was very tasty.
In answer to your other question I used the Balti Kitchen base sauce and Madras recipe as with catering for so many I needed to make it as simple as possible and refered to the DVD as I cooked it, pausing it along the way.
As I mentioned there are better bases than this of which yours is one but I did all the preparation at home and had to use quick and simple techniques to avoid a potential divorce for making the kitchen into a war zone!
And thanks for your input to the forum, I am sure like me there are many who have benefited from your recipes and advice!
A happy curry filled new year to you to.
Glad to hear it went well Ray!! Wow - 2 something a kg for chicken??!! That is superb!! I have completely given up on the Costco frozen is all done and I only want to use non-frozen chicken from now on. Sometimes the chicken came out great and sometimes it was so tough that it was difficult to chew!
Cooking for 20 is no easy task - congrats on the success!