Kris Dhillon was my first BIR mentor, and her "Curry Secret" literally changed my life, but as time went by my confidence grew and eventually I started creating my own recipes and evolving my own methodology. Now, after several years of experimentation, I decided that it was time to go back to my roots and to re-create a basic Kris Dhillon dish (in this case, Chicken Madras), to see how it compared with my own recent offerings. The following sequence of photographs illustrates the progression, starting with the basic cooking utensils and ending up at the finished curry. Any deviations from Kris Dhillon's recipes or methodology are noted at the appropriate photograph.
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The induction hob and cast-iron pot for preparing the base sauce
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Raw red onion, liquidised ginger & garlic, salt and water; cooked for 45 minutes
(Kris says "cooking onions", not red onions; I did not peel the ginger; nothing was washed)
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Unwanted strips of outer skin of red onions, removed before liquidising
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The liquidised stage-1 sauce
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Stage-1 sauce + oil, liquidised peeled plum tomatoes, tomato puree, turmeric & paprika
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The completed stage-2 sauce, cooked for a further 25 minutes; unskimmed
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Ghee-fried "Shana" frozen stuffed paratha (aloo palak)
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Chicken Madras a la Kris Dhillon
(8oz pre-cooked chicken; 3/4 pint stage-2 sauce; 1 teaspoon salt; 2 teaspoons ground chillies; 1 teaspoon ground cumin; 1/2 teaspoon ground fenugreek; chopped coriander stalks and two small red chillies added 2 minutes before serving; garnished with chopped coriander leaves at point of serving; all teaspoons rounded, not flat. No garam masala, no raw tomato)
And the end results ? Far far better than I had anticipated. This dish would not have disgraced the Taj of Kent. My wife also agreed that this was noticeably better than my recent offerings, despite the fact that she had thoroughly enjoyed those when they were served.
Conclusions ? "Less is more". This is about as basic a BIR curry as you can get, yet it left nothing to be desired. I have reserved two pieces of chicken in adequate sauce, and will repeat this dish substituting Bassar Curry Masala for the ground red chillies whilst making no other changes, then compare the two to see which I prefer (and ask my wife the same question). Thereafter I will continue to make only one change per curry, and to keep a little of the previous best curry to evaluate, by comparison, whether the change is beneficial or retrograde.
** Phil.