Curry Recipes Online
Traditional Indian Restaurant Recipes => Traditional Indian Recipes => Topic started by: mattjwood on June 08, 2009, 10:36 AM
Hi all, got this off saturday kitchen. Rick Stein went to his favorite curry house in Bradford, and they kindly gave him the recipe for this curry!! Must admit, it did look sooo nice!!
Please move mods if I have posted this in the incorrect place!
Mumrez Khan?s Lamb and Spinach Karahi curry recipe from the Karachi Restaurant in Neal Street, Bradford.
The Ingredients
250g (9oz) Ghee
3 tablespoons Fresh Coriander (chopped)
65g (2 1/2oz) Garlic
1 tablespoon Ground Turmeric
1 tablespoon Red Chilli Powder
350g (12oz) Fresh Spinach washed with large stalks removed
1 tablespoon Ground Cumin
4 medium sized Green Chillies with stalks removed
1 tablespoon Paprika
? tablespoon Garam Masala
550g (1 1/4lb) Onions Chopped
1 x 400g (140z) Can Chopped Toms
50g (2oz) Fresh Ginger, peeled and chopped
1 tablespoon Salt
900g (2lb) Boneless leg or shoulder of Lamb (1? in) cubes
1 tablespoon Ground Coriander
120ml (4fl oz) water
A pinch of ground cumin and freshly ground black pepper to serve
How to Cook
1. Heat the ghee in a large, heavy based pan. Add the onions and cook over a medium heat, stirring now and then, for 20 minutes until they are soft and a light brown
2. Put the tomatoes, water, ginger and garlic into a liquidizer and blend until smooth. Remove the fried onions with a slotted spoon, add them to the paste and blend briefly until smooth.
3. Return the puree to the ghee left in the pan and add the lamb and salt. Simmer for 30 minutes, by which time the lamb will be half cooked and the sauce will be well reduced. Stir in the turmeric, chilli powder, cumin, paprika and ground coriander and continue to cook for 30-45 minutes for shoulder or 45-1 hour for leg, until the lamb is tender, adding a little water now and then if the sauce starts to stick.
4. Meanwhile, put 175g (6oz) of the spinach leaves into a large pan and cook until it has wilted down into the bottom of the pan. Cook for 1 minute, then transfer to the rinsed out liquidizer and blend to a smooth puree. Set aside. Rinse out the liquidiser again and add the green chillies and 2-3 tablespoons of water and blend until smooth. Set aside.
5. When the lamb is cooked, there should be a layer of ghee floating on the top of the curry. You can either skim it off or leave it there, whichever you prefer. Then stir in the spinach puree and the remaining spinach leaves and cook for 2 minutes.
6. Now taste the curry and add as much green chilli puree as you wish, according to how hot you like your curries . Simmer for 2 minutes more.
7. Stir in the fresh coriander and Garam Masala. Transfer the curry to a serving dish and sprinkle with a little more ground cumin and some freshly ground black pepper just before you take it to the table.
Which Saturday Kitchen was this, must have been a repeat coz it seems that Mr. Stein hasn't set foot in the Karachi for seven years....
May 3, 2009
0/1 found this review helpful
Travelled from Wakefield to Bradford based on reviews about Karachi Restaurant. Little seems to have changed over the years and pride of place on the wall goes to a seven year old press cutting showing Rick Stein with staff. I think a lot must have changed since then as I found the whole experience quite depressing. Not licensed so bring... (
It was on saturday kitchen 6th June 2009. It was a brand new episode. Rick stein went to the Karachi to eat this meal, and the gaffa gave him the recipe. It then went to a video of him making the curry in his home, and it looks delicious. Dont really fancy spinach though, so I will just add mushrooms instead.
watch it here for a week :)
Yep just watched it, that is lifted from an old series RS did, the link I posted dates it from seven years ago. Typical beeb, rehashing old programmes and trying to pass it off as new, not everything you see on the telly is as it first appears.
Regardless of how old it is, I have just finished eating it. Its fantastic. I didnt do the spinach bit, and left the chillies out. I added Mushrooms, and did it with Chicken.
This was a lovely smooth sauce!
Hi Matt
Glad you liked it, after bubbling away in all that ghee I'll bet it was well smooth! What's wrong with spinach in curry? Fair enough if it's not to your taste but saag ghosht, which that dish was, is usually one of the best dishes on the BIR menu IMO, ah well each to their own.
I made this last night, very, very nice I have to say.
The actual base sauce that is created was delicious, I may make this again but stop before the adding of the spinach without including any meat and try it as a base sauce for other recipes.
Im not sure if it was due to using ghee rather than veg oil I would normally use but there was something about the base that was right, I could of eat that on its own!
Thanks for the recipe
What's wrong with spinach in curry?
Absolutely nothing but, it seems to make no difference to any curry I make. Yes it makes it green but, apart from that, what's all the fuss about? Tastes no better or worse than any other curry. Or, am I missing the point?
....Or, am I missing the point?
Possibly SS but more likely I'd think you may not have been using enough of the stuff especially if you were using fresh spinach as the leaf is mostly water and wilts down to practically nothing when cooked.
Morrisons used to do creamed spinach in a jar which was spot on for curries and sag aloo etc, being jarred you could just use as much as needed and keep the rest for later use, but the buggers seem to have stopped making it :(.
My mission for today- scour supermarket shelves for suitable replacement, will report back to Curry Central in due course...
I have just cooked this dish.
Not to my taste the base seemed too strong
so is it me or what!
massive amounts of garlic and ginger being used.
Any amount of this would give me indigestion.
I am going to leave it a day or two then
taste it again before i bin it.
This was given as traditional
but something tells me it aint. :'(
regards graeme.
Update...I have decided to bin it now,
something not quite right, good luck.
I'd think you may not have been using enough of the stuff especially if you were using fresh spinach as the leaf is mostly water and wilts down to practically nothing when cooked.
Yes that had crossed my mind. I know Natco and others do tinned pureed spinach (the type Popeye used to eat!) and I bet at least some BIRs use that. I have used it in the past but I may well have used too little. How much would you suggest to use per curry?
Hi again SS
Yes I think you are right there, tinned pureed stuff seems the way to go. When I used the jarred Mozzer stuff I used about half a 12oz (IIRC) jar per large portion of saag ghost, maybe less if doing a side of saag aloo.
My supermarket sweep at the w/e wasn't very fruitful, all I could find was very large (28 oz) cans of spinach, much to wasteful, but I did spot a bloke in a Delorean on ASDA car park!!
We've eaten this at the Karachi and really enjoyed it. Having found the recipe online we just had to give it a go. I'm no pro chef, but was very pleasantly surprised at just how authentic it tasted. I did leave out two chillies, and still found the result to be a mouth-burner, but it still let the flavours through.
The spinach is an essential in my opinion, as a taste, as a texture, and also to add an authentic colour to it too.
Me and the wife have made this curry several times, but only once with spinach - just didn't appeal to us. We also only use lamb with this sauce as it helps to colour and flavour it during cooking. If there is any left over it is frozen for future use and tastes even better. Nice one Rick!