Curry Recipes Online
Beginners Guide => Just Joined? Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: ringoffire on February 03, 2007, 07:07 PM
Hi all, just found this site browsing for recipes............I'm no chef , just a home cook - but I have a love for Indian/Asian food & you cannot beat a home cooked curry or full meal.
I live in Portsmouth in the UK & we are blessed with several very high quality Restaurants in the City. If you ever come to Portsmouth, you have to try Ghandi's or Saffaron's - these really are a different class!!
Fantastic site for a 1st impression & glad to have found it :)
Hi mate, welcome!
thank you, I can't believe I've not found this site before..Simply perfect :)
Welcome to the site, how would you rate your home curry to your favorite restaurants?
Welcome ringoffire, hope you find some good tips from the forum & its members
Welcome aboard ROF .
;D ;D Hi and welcome Ringoffire from me too.
Hi Ringoffire, Glad you made it to our forum! Given no time and you will be producing bir dishes the same. CQ
Welcome to the site, how would you rate your home curry to your favorite restaurants?
quite a way off!!!! still learning :) Hopefully lots of tips from this site
still learning :)
We all are. ;) A big welcome!
Hi ringoffire and welcome.... like the name...... ;D