Curry Recipes Online

Curry Chat => Lets Talk Curry => Topic started by: Vinda looo on January 29, 2007, 08:44 PM

Title: Mess
Post by: Vinda looo on January 29, 2007, 08:44 PM
Since Ive started trying to cook these recipes, Ive had nothing but grief from the wife at the amount of mess I'm making in the kitchen.
Curry stains everywhere. It has got to point where I have now ruined the wall tiles, looks like Ive permanently stained the worktops and floor tiles, had curry on the windows, ruined clothing, I constantly now smell of garlic, and everytime the loved one wants to cook something,  that curry whiff is constantly there. 
Just to make matters worse after every dish I produce I always ask for her to taste it and its always tasteless, can you believe this woman. I think the moral of the story is either women or curries, because they definitely dont mix in our house.

Sorry I do apologise I thought I was posting on a counselling site.

BTW, Im not blaming you for any of this Andy, long keep your recipes posted.
Title: Re: Mess
Post by: King Prawn on January 29, 2007, 09:25 PM
Heheheh..... It;s your choice! - Is she better than a curry whenever you want? ;) :D :D :D

But seriously - the stains will go with time. Try lemon juice, commercial cleaner and then bleach (all assuming that you have checked first that the items in question are OK with such treatments)

If it is the orange/yellow colour from chilli and tumeric, it will fade in the sunlight with time.

More than that I cannot really say, just trying to help!

Title: Re: Mess
Post by: Mark J on January 29, 2007, 09:33 PM
Since Ive started trying to cook these recipes, Ive had nothing but grief from the wife at the amount of mess I'm making in the kitchen.
Yup thats the way it goes  :)
Title: Re: Mess
Post by: Yousef on January 29, 2007, 09:55 PM
Ha Ha Vinda looo,

I know exaclty what your talking about.  If your only getting tastless dishes, try another base sauce.
Make sure you get that oil smoking at the beginning, get those spice in.  I am finding adding a pinch of cumin seeds to the oil gives me the nutty taste and aroma....

Keep on cooking.

Stew 8)
Title: Re: Mess
Post by: Vinda looo on January 29, 2007, 10:19 PM
I think you could be right about the base. I was thinking the same thing. All my curries are done nearly exact to the recipe as I can, but theres still something missing. Different base is it then, something with a bit of taste to it instead of being too bland.

Now she is going to love me!
Title: Re: Mess
Post by: Curry King on January 30, 2007, 09:05 AM
If you find that your actual currys are coming out bland try adding a little more spice mix prehaps even doubling the amount.   You need to put it in at the begining so it's trial and error to start with but something that comes from working with the same base over again.
Title: Re: Mess
Post by: merrybaker on January 30, 2007, 05:39 PM
I think the moral of the story is either women or curries, because they definitely dont mix in our house.
Vinny, you need good role models to show you and the wife how to air your differences without causing hard feelings.  Use this forum as an example.  Often people disagree about ingredients, techniques, tastes, measurements.  But do they ever get mean, or call one another bad names, or say someone?s recipe is crap, or need their posts deleted by a moderator, or, heaven forbid!, remove all of their posts in the middle of the night?  Why of course not!  That?s why we?re all just one happy family.  And you and your wife can be that happy, too.
Title: Re: Mess
Post by: King Prawn on January 30, 2007, 05:42 PM
Hahahahahahaaaaaa.......Spot on MB!