Curry Recipes Online
Beginners Guide => Hints, Tips, Methods and so on.. => Storage => Topic started by: SoberRat on January 25, 2015, 05:25 PM
Hi everyone. This is my spice drawer. It is based on the small Kilner jars and I have 48 herbs and spices stored here. I don't keep my mix powders there as they are in larger jars but all the most common whole and ground ingredients are there. How do other people keep spices?
It's not as tidy as yours, that's for sure :D
Very good jars and well-stocked spice cupboard. ;) If a little OCD :D
My spice shed here,12744.msg103767.html#msg103767 (,12744.msg103767.html#msg103767)
cheers Chewytikka
Very good jars and well-stocked spice cupboard. ;) If a little OCD :D
My spice shed here,12744.msg103767.html#msg103767 (,12744.msg103767.html#msg103767)
cheers Chewytikka
Yeah, it is a bit isn't it. I do have a shed a bit like yours though which sort of balances that out. The missus wasn't impressed with me taking a whole cupboard up just for my BIR stuff, but throw the odd Korma out to keep the peace.
Just upgraded mine from 2 off carrier bags (1 powder, 1 whole).
Now in 1 off 800 by 400 by 170 mm high tub neatly in 2 rows.
Does suggest I might need another clear out though
Just picked up on this. Thats a bit posh SR, very organised. I do have a cupboard but the majority are crammed into a massive mayo tub.
Mine is somewhat similar to Geezah's. I have to cram stuff in amongst the stuff which will never be's a tragic symbol of married life :)
;D ;D ;D Love it !!! There are some advantages to being separated then and living alone in a house ::) My spice shack is scattered around in a few places. And my fridge and freezer contain what i want them to, or more like what i can fit :-\
I do have my own freezer (3 drawers although I do spill over into the family one) and probably a shelf in the fridge is mostly mine. :D
I have a 3 shelf cupboard full of spices, half a bottom cupboard full of rice and oils, blenders . Top shelf in the fridge which contains sauces, pickles etc, which has now taken over half the next shelf with chilli sauces. In the freezer I have the bottom drawer which contains base gravy, blended ginger and garlic, naan dough, blended toms , blended chilli. And in the drawer above that just contains chillies.
The wife isn't too happy though as the box room has been taken over by a chilli grow !
Its a good job she loves curry and all things hot and spicy nearly as much as me :)
It's getting very competitive this spice drawer/cubard business! Lol
The relatively small spice containers look very neat and tidy but what does everyone do with what's left of the spices, presumably sourced in packets or bags? Where do you keep them, and how easy is it to find them when needed to top-up the small containers?
I keep the rest of mine in a catering size mayo tub which has a good snap on lid. Bags are secured with elastic bands.
As a messy anal retentive with undertones of obsessive compulsive disorder I have chosen to keep my spices in different sized containers, from different suppliers and manufacturers. They also have different shapes which don't stack properly and are either too big or too small for my cupboards and drawers and usually have oddly coloured lids. This of course keeps me completely and perpetually in a state of utter confusion and often requiring medication. Well that is my excuse anyway.
These photographs are going to permit my analyst to have a very nice holiday this year.
George, my leftovers are neatly rolled up in the plastic bag with a rubber band and put into the spice crypt, never to be spoken of again. Once every decade or so I take a look in there and make a big mixed masala of unknown culinary usefulness and throw it away. But, nothing less than the 10 year limit is wasted. :o
My daughter gave me a label maker for Christmas but I cant take it out of the box till I find a container to put it in.
I keep the rest of mine in a catering size mayo tub which has a good snap on lid. Bags are secured with elastic bands.
I keep mine in large plastic box in a large cubard easy to gain access to them and because the jars don't want topping up all at the same time it works out ok for me
Ps the spice bags have elastic band around them